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Family of Henry^7 Harrison Van Wicklin 

(Photo above is of Henry Harrison and Mary Ann (Joy) Van Wicklin with two of their three children, Mary May and Walter abt. 1895 Below are individual photos of Mary Ann (Joy) and Henry H. Van Wicklin)

Henry^7 Harrison Van Wicklin (Garret^6, Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 1852, Ontario, Can


1. (first marriage) Mary Ann Joy (b. 1858 in Kent, England) 9 December 1891 Machar Twp., Ont., CAN
2. (second marriage) Elizabeth Jane Joy, (b. 1863 in Kent, England) 11 November 1897 Machar Twp., Ont., CAN

Photo (of couple) are Mary May Van Wicklin and Walter Van Wicklin. Photo of single young woman is Elizabeth "Lizzie" Van Wicklin.

(by first marriage to Mary Ann Joy):
1. Mary^8 May Van Wicklin, b. 1893, Ontario, Canada
2. Walter^8 (Rip) Henry Ernest Van Wicklin, b. 1 August 1894, Ontario, Canada
3. Elizabeth^8 Van Wicklin, b. 1897, Ontario, Canada
(by second marriage to Elizabeth Jane Joy):
4. William^8 E. Van Wicklin, b. 1898 (died in infancy), South River, ON, CAN
5. Mabel^8 Van Wicklin, b. 1900 (died in infancy), South River, ON, CAN

6. Edith^8 C. Van Wicklin, b. 1902 (died in infancy), South River, Ont, CAN

Henry's parents are Garret and Phebe (Terril) Van Wicklin
Mary Ann's parents are ________________

Background information:

Henry^7 Harrison Van Wicklin
(Garret^6, Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. 1852 in Ontario, Canada and d. 1908 in South River, Ont., south of North Bay and north of Toronto. He married Mary Ann Joy (b. 1858 in Kent, England) 9 December 1891 in Machar Twp., Ont., CAN. Mary Ann died in 2 February 1897 (age 38) in childbirth. Henry's second marriage (11 November 1897, Machar Twp, Ont, CAN) was to Elizabeth Jane Joy, his first wife's sister. Elizabeth was b. 1863 in Kent, England. Henry and Elizabeth had children, all of whom died in childhood. Henry and Mary Ann and the children by the second marriage are all buried in the South River Cemetery. Henry died in February 1908 (age 56). The text of two letters written by Henry Harrison Van Wicklin can be viewed.

Elizabeth Jane (Joy) Lloyd Van Wicklin then married Joseph Driver 29 August 1911. Elizabeth had previously been married to Edward Lloyd and had a daughter, Emma Lloyd, by that marriage.

Georgi Van Sills (daughter of Mary^8 May Van Wicklin) provides the following information on the Joy sisters (email 15 June 2000): When the Joy sisters were leaving England, they were bound for Australia. Apparently they boarded the wrong ship and ended up in Canada. I cannot imagine the shock to their system when they found out what the weather was like in Ontario compared to what it would have been like in Australia. They were never in the USA--just Canada, and I still have not ascertained the date they came to Canada. I think they may have been here for the 1871 census...

Children: Mary^8 May Van Wicklin was b. 29 May 1893 in Ontario, CAN and m. John Philp. Walter^8 Henry (Rip) Ernest Van Wicklin was b. 1 August 1894. Elizabeth^8 Van Wicklin was b. Jan 1897 and died in childbirth of heart failure in 1915. (According to a 23 Nov 99 email from Georgi Van (Philp) Sills, dau. of Mary^8 May, Lizzie died in Toronto and her body had not been claimed and so it had been given to the University of Toronto Anatomy Department. Mary May found out about it and was successful in obtaining the body from the university. Although the University of Toronto archives has not been able to find any trace of Elizabeth Van Wicklin, in 1915 a "Bessie Saunders" - age 19--died 10 May 1915 and was claimed by the family on 11 May 1915--with the cause of death listed as "heart failure (child birth)" in those exact words. Perhaps this "Bessie" was actually Lizzie.

(In an 18 July 2000 email, Georgi Sills writes that she found a death certificate for her aunt Elizabeth^8 Van Wicklin (above) and it notes her married name as Bessie Saunders. There was also a death registration for the baby who died two weeks after Bessie died giving birth. These death registrations confirm that Bessie Saunders is Elizabeth Van Wicklin.)

Children by Henry's marriage to Elizabeth Jane (Joy) Lloyd: William^8 Van Wicklin, b. 1898, d. 2 February 1899 (age 6 mo, 13 days). Mabel^8 Van Wicklin, b. 1900, d. 26 May 1901 (age 10 mo. and 21 days); Edith^8 C. Van Wicklin, b. 1902, South River, Ont, CAN and died 23 September 1903 at age 10 months.

(Henry Harrison and Mary Ann (Joy) Van Wicklin - abt 1895 --courtesy of their granddaughter, Georgi Sills [16 April 2001] )


Correspondence with Georgi Van Sills

Birth registration R#020753 for Walter Henry Ernest Van Wicklin, b. 1 August 1894, parents are Henry Harrision and Mary Ann (Joy) Van Wicklin; Henry was a farmer in South River. located at Archives of Ontario on 25 June 2002 by Marg Trottman and John Van Wicklin

Birth registration R#021065 for Mary Mary Van Wicklin, Machar, b. 1893...located but not looked up 25 June 2002 at Archives of Toronto

Death registrations: (Provided in 20 February 2002 email by Marg Trottman Graham)
William E. Van Wicklin 2 February 1899 Machar, CAN
Mabel Van Wicklin 26 May 1901 Machar, CAN

Photo of tombstone: Edith C., dau. of Henry & Elizabeth Vanwicklin, died Sept. 23, 1903, aged 10 mos. "come to be an angel."

Death registrations for Bessie Saunders and her baby; located by Georgi Sills (email to me, 18 July 2000)

Marriage certificates: (provided in 20 February 2002 email from Marg Trottman Graham)
Henry H. Van Wicklin Dec. 9, 1891 Machar Twp, Ont., CAN Reg. 008250 92
Henry H. Van Wicklin Nov. 11, 1897 Machar Twp., Ont., CAN Reg. 011527 97 
Marriage registration (provided in 4 March 2002 email from Marg Trottman Graham)
MS932, Reel 93
Marriage registration Number 11527
Vanwicklin, Henry Harrison 45 Widow Machar Farmer
Parents: Garret Vanwicklin
Lloyd, Elizabeth J. 35 Widower, England
Mother: Sheepwash, Mary Ann
Father: Robert Lloyd
Date of marriage: November 11, 1897

MS932 Reel 75
Marriage Registration Number 8250
Groom - Henry Harrison Vanwicklin
Residence - South River
Born - Prince Edward County
Parents: Garret and Phebe Vanwicklin
Bride - Mary Ann Joy
Residence - Widford family, Eagle Lake
Born - England
Parents: Robert Thomas and Mary Ann Joy
Witnesses: Charles Widford and Feradora Vanwicklin
South River, Ontario
Wedding at the residence of the bride's father
December 9, 1891
Groom - Methodist
Bride - Episcopal
Rev. Gander